Sunday, May 14, 2006

BiPolar Disorder Is A Challenge

Being a psychology major and having dealt with bipolar disorder for thirty years, I have decided to have a blog relating to the subject matter. After all, I am going to be working with children and teens with the disorder in the creative arts area. It is going to be a challenge but a great one indeed!

A lot of people are misinformed about the dis-ease. However, in future posts, I wil break it down and help persons to realize that it is a chemical imbalance in the brain and a lot of persons go undiagnosed for many years. I am in a few online support groups as we speak and I will share them with you as well as provide you with a list of websites for you to go to gain more insight into this disease of the brain. I dare not let anyone stigmatize me or label me. I can fight this fight. I can win. It is not easy to deal with especially when you are dealing with so many other things or family members/friends who tend to discourage you. Do not let it happen!

Here are some websites:

5. is the local organization that families can get involved in.
it would be nice if families would support their loved ones in this cause.

BEBE MOORE CAMPELL is an advocate for mental illness. She is the author of 72 Hour Hold, a book about dealing with the mental illness of her sister's bipolar illness. She truly believes in standing up for the voice of mental illness. Currently, she is dealing with a neurological illness of her brain which she plans to recuperate in time.

May is National Mental Illness Month. There will be a lot of information going out to the public on the various forms of the challenge regardless of the illness it presents.

That is all I have for tonight. Talk with all of you soon. Take it light please. Always remember: